Hastings piano competition 2017


Tickets are now on sale for the 2017 Hastings International Piano Concerto Competition (HIPCC). You can purchase tickets for the Semi-Final Recitals, Masterclass and the Final from the White Rock Theatre box office online or in person or by telephoning the box office on 01424 462288. You can also purchase tickets for Stages 1 and 2 at the box office directly

Stage 1 sees each contestant perform 30 minutes of a chosen concerto from the 2017 list, over February 23-25.  Tickets are £5 per session (three sessions per day).   After the first round of eliminations, the remaining contestants take part in Stage 2 on February 27-28, performing 35 minutes of a chosen concerto.

The semi-final recitals will take place over three sessions on Wednesday March 1, with 12 semi-finalists. The ticket price for the whole day is £15 (£12 to HIPCC members).  This year the Masterclass takes place at the White Rock Theatre on Thursday March 2, with the audience seated on the stage. Tickets for this intimate evening with the International Jury and pianists cost £20 including wine and canapes.

Once again the final takes place over two evenings, March 3-4, with six finalists, performing a complete concerto with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. This year ticket prices for the final (per night) are £15 or £25. There are special packages of £40 for both nights of the final or £50 for the whole semi-final and final evenings.  There is also  a new whole competition pass – allowing entry to every stage for £100.  The organisers of the Hastings International Piano Concerto Competition are looking for more volunteers to help in this exciting and prestigious event.

Anyone who is interested in volunteering, or who just wants to know more about what volunteering might involve, should email hipcc.volunteers@gmail.com or call Sue Schlesinger on 01797 253178. You will then be invited to a coffee morning at Fairlight Hall, the home of the competition’s major sponsors, David and Sarah Kowitz, on Friday, December 2 at 11am.  Volunteers will play a number of key roles during the competition. They include manning the reception desk at the White Rock Theatre, looking after the contestants to make sure they are in the right place at the right time and driving young musicians to the various practice pianos located around Hastings.  It is fascinating and rewarding work which enables volunteers to get to know some of the finest young pianists of their generation. You will also get to hear some beautiful music.

Source: Hastings International Piano Concerto Competition.



Photo: Hastings International Piano Concerto Competition

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