He was one of the biggest names of the twentieth century, but for a local musician Muhammad Ali was a close friend and inspiration as they travelled the world together. This week’s Ryecast meets Ali’s favourite songwriter Michel, who lives in Hastings but is recuperating in Rye Hospital at the moment.

As part of the podcast there’s some amazing archive featuring both men. A long lost 1970s TV show With love from Muhammad Ali was found a few years ago, and shows the close connection between musician and boxer. Michel recounts how the two met, made an album, and chatted about everything else apart from boxing. Although Ali did show him how to throw a punch…

Michel was so inspired by Ali’s warmth and generosity he set up a charity www.thekindnessoffensive.com which aims to help others through small & large acts of random kindness.
I’ve put links to the tv show and Michel’s music on the podcast website www.ryecast.org It’s well worth a watch to see the most famous sportsman of the last century and the genuine relationship he had with Michel.
Thanks to Rye Hospital for getting in touch with Michel’s story and to his son David Goodfellow (Muhammad Ali was his godfather) for setting up the interview
Search for Ryecast wherever you get your podcasts
Image Credits: Michel .