Musical party for Benson society


Members of the EF Benson literary society were treated to a live performance of songs from the 20s and 30s as well as a sneak preview of some excerpts of a new musical based on Mapp and Lucia, the popular stories set in Rye.
The composer and singer Kate Garner accompanied herself on the piano and her husband Paul joined in, playing the roles of Georgie and Major Benjy, from EF Benson’s series. The venue was the Flushing on Market Street. With the front door open, to provide a much needed draught, the songs attracted considerable attention from passers by, one of whom tried to join the party.
The occasion was the annual Rye Day where members get together and enjoy a slap-up lunch and tea at Fletchers on Lion Street. This year the Day also took in Lamb House, where EF Benson lived while writing the novels, and members were interested to see the new rooms that have been opened up since the refit.

Photo: Seana Lanigan

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  1. A great evening. I always enjoy Rye day with the E.F. Benson Society. I really enjoyed Kate Garner`s performance. I hope her Mapp & Lucia musical is a success.


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