Old pals act for WW1


Two local theatre groups Acting Up in Rye and the Icklesham Players are joining forces to mark the centenary of the start of World War I. They’re learning the lines for Smile Boys! That’s the Style! It’s written and directed by Del Smith of the Icklesham group. “Producing a show as a combined effort reflects the spirit of WW1 when groups of men were encouraged to sign up together as pals because it was deemed that friends / associates would make a better team in the field. We are of course hoping that will be the case for this production!” said Judith Wall, one of the Rye players. Performance dates are : Icklesham July 11 and 12, Rye July 18 and 19. Acting Up in Rye’s next production is a murder mystery evening with supper at the Rye Community Centre, Conduit Hill on May 17; tickets £10.

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