Open mic at the Wipers


Garry, Diane and all the staff at The Wipers (otherwise known as the Ypres Castle Inn) offer a welcoming invitation to locals and visitors alike at the 17th Century fisherman’s pub and garden, that nestles below the Ypres Castle Tower near the Gun Garden. Be it Friday (Blues and Rock) or Sunday night (more acoustic music) a gentler evening, people enjoy the atmosphere and  the wide range of real ale as well as a selection of good house wine and local cask cider.

On April 5, a ukulele playing friend, Alison Catt, and I, sampled for the first time the Open Mic night where any musician can perform their music, singing with instruments, or not. This has been a weekly event since December 2014 and has brought together a regular following of performers and listeners. There was great talent on this occasion: Reg Marchant, Lloyd Guyenette, Peter Robinson and many more. Alison did a couple of songs, very courageous as it was her first time in this pub. I didn’t have the confidence yet but who knows, maybe next time.

Open Mic night takes place the first Tuesday of the month, starting at 8:30pm. Ashley Davies, who organizes the sound and the musicians said: “Everyone is welcome to have a go, experienced or not, it just needs confidence, this is a very supportive environment.”

If you are twiddling your thumbs on the first Tuesday in the month do go.

Photos: Heidi Foster

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