Rye News director on the fiddle!


Founding director of Rye News Dennis Leeds-George says he’s been honoured to have a piece of music dedicated to him called Offen’s Farm – the name of the farm where he lives.
It was composed by Terry Hulf who the plays the fiddle, and with his musical friends it was first performed it in East Guldeford Church.

Terry Hulf is a man of many talents: musician and composer, photographer and artist. He is renowned for his black and white pictures of Romney Marsh and he is very often up before dawn to catch first light. Terry feels the marsh land with its low undeviating skyline with the early morning light will cast just the necessary light. His technique gives a vision of Romney Marsh you would not otherwise see.

With his friends he likes playing in venues that have good acoustics which include the historic Romney Marsh churches, old pubs and even in the cellars of Winchelsea.

Image Credits: Dennis Leeds-George .

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