Singing club for children


A new and exciting singing club for children is starting in Rye in September 2021 – for all primary aged children – from year 1 to year 6.

Marian Ham, a local music teacher, is leading this club on behalf of the Music Well, which is a Rye based music therapy service.

The singing club will take place at the Rye Creative Arts Centre, on Mondays from 4pm – 5pm, and is being offered free to all children for at least one year. The Children’s Singing Club is being fully funded by the Fairlight Arts Trust. There is free parking on-site and a café (which is open now!)

For more information, please see the poster below (and on display around the town) and email Marian for a booking form.

Singing together in a club has huge benefits for children’s confidence, their well-being, their social skills, improving their singing skills and… is great fun!

Image Credits: Heidi Foster , Marian Ham , Marian Ham, Music Well .

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