Some enchanted evening


Lovely medieval Iden Church hosted the Rye Arts Festival’s “An Enchanted Evening” on Wednesday September 27. The Perfect Fifth, made up of Harriet Jones (soprano) her sister Caroline Jones (alto) Greg Tassell (tenor) and Rupert Reid (baritone) were accompanied by Belinda Jones on the piano. They also had two guests, another singer and a cellist, for some of the songs.

Rupert Reid and Greg Tassell reminding the audience of elf safety
Rupert Reid and Greg Tassell reminding the audience of ‘elf and safety’

The church was packed to its limits, certainly a sell out, the programme including three new songs by  local composer George Newsom. After a very entertaining sung version of the health and safety messages for the venue – the site of fire doors has an extra interest when put to music – the very talented young singers and their accompanist took us through a really well thought out and entertaining programme. It included extracts from Verdi’s La Traviata and Puccini’s La Boheme, as well as lighter numbers, a highly entertaining song about a librarian looking for love and an owl complaining about the noise a bird was making! Some of the performers had appeared in the Phantom of the Opera and together with one of their guests, Harriet Jones performed a wonderful duet.

The Jones sisters during rehearsel
The Jones sisters during rehearsel

George Newsom was in the audience and gave a brief introduction to his three works, poems about Cezanne’s art, a very moving tribute to a drowned baby and a  beautiful lullaby to sing to little ones composed for his great grandchild. It was a pleasure to be present at this first performance. Finishing with A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square (Manning and Sherwin 1939) an encore was called for and  the audience were treated to one final  goodbye number.

Audience reaction was totally positive. “the best event in the whole festival” was overheard as the crowded church emptied. Many congratulations to the Perfect Fifth and their friends. Let us hope Iden Church will host another such event.

Photos: Rye and District Camera Club

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