Treasure Ryeland


There’s always one isn’t there? In Rye, make that two or three. I’m talking about the people who ecstatically embrace any opportunity to deploy The Pun. Paul Johnson’s script for Treasure Island was already crammed with top quality jokes, misunderstandings and slapstick routines. We’ve just made it a little bit more, bespoke.

Treasure Ryeland synchronises perfectly with our local marine traditions and inexplicable passion for pirates. In true community theatre style we’re going to help others as well as ourselves by giving a share of this show’s proceeds to support the RNLI Rye Harbour. One of their helmsmen, Stuart Clark, will perform as the hero (yet again) although his innate modesty keeps him largely confined to his luxury trailer, interrupted only by a procession of make-up artists, wardrobe people, catering services, beauty therapists and the international press pack.

Treasure Ryeland

Rye News readers are already familiar with Kt Bruce’s wonderful work as a photographer and journalist. Her tireless support has helped so many community groups so, pushing our luck, we’ve borrowed her husband.

The magnificent light bulb moment occurred when the more musically literate cast members asked Martin Bruce if he would kindly help out with the musical direction for Treasure Ryeland. They realised that this was possibly a bit cheeky, given Martin’s credentials. Fortunately he loves a shanty and, even better, was even more pleased to be able to fly the flag for the RNLI as the chairman of Rye Harbour Station.

So here we are, one week before opening in Beckley, and we couldn’t be more proud and excited about the musical content this collaboration has created. Cast members Xan Kite (Guildhall-trained musician) and Larry Wilson (musical theatre supremo) have worked closely with Martin over the past two months on some sea shanties for the show. The tunes are familiar but the lyrics are entirely original and Rye-specific. The songs are woven seamlessly into the script, directed by Paul Thomas, and are delivered in harmony by the cast members featuring solos by accomplished singer, Richard Moore (our glamorous dame), Clare Murray (Ben Bones) and Stuart Clark (Captain Smollett). We’re pretty sure this is a unique take on a panto favourite that won’t have been seen or heard anywhere else. With Martin Bruce on the concertina, this year’s show offers a real musical treat along with the laughter.

In a town so awash with talent we’re unendingly grateful to the people who give so much time and commitment to making enjoyable local theatre. There are some tickets left at the time of writing and every one purchased will help Rye Players keep the show on the road in the face of rising costs.

Treasure Ryeland opens at Beckley next Thursday, December 12 then travels to Camber on the 13th and there are two shows on Saturday the 14th at Tilling Green Community Centre. Please book now and let’s fill these venues.

Image Credits: Rye Players .

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