Wicked weekend at the Wipers


International Jazz and Blues Festival director Ian Bowden and his team have pulled out all the stops to put together a four-day programme of events at The Ypres Castle Inn (always known as The Wipers), running from Friday August 22 to Monday August 25. Like the pub’s range of beers, it is brimming with taste. With internationally renowned musicians and vocalists, this year’s showcase of talent is a treat for all live music aficionados.

Wipers' landlord Garry Dowling manning the bar installed especially for this year's festival
Wipers’ landlord Garry Dowling manning the bar installed especially for this year’s festival

Wipers’ landlord Garry Dowling has had a stage constructed in the garden for the duration of the festival, the perfect platform for the wealth of musical talent lined up.

Garry has also set up a garden bar for the weekend so your musical enjoyment won’t be interrupted by having to pop into the main pub. And if you feel peckish there’ll be tasty barbequed food available in the garden every day.

Details of the planned programme are listed below.

Friday 5pm to 7pm: Karen Sweet and Andy Tweed – virtuoso accordionist Sweet brings the best out of this expressive instrument and with popular saxophonist Tweed launches the gala

Friday 7pm to 9pm: Barbara Snow – just enjoy this superb trumpeter and talented vocalist and see why she is so widely respected

Saturday 3pm to 5pm: the Turpin Hubbard Band – local hero Louis Turpin will be belting out the blues with his terrific band

Saturday 5pm to 7pm: Zoe Schwartz and Blue Commotion – new star Zoe’s heart-wrenching vocals will be matched by a classy band – catchy, rootsy and groovy

Saturday 7pm to 9pm: Paul Cox and the Proof – you’ll want to hear someone whom blues band legend Paul Jones described as “one of the best voices in the UK”

Sunday 3pm to 5pm: Sarah Jane and her band featuring Earl Okin – cool vocals and hot jazz from Sarah will be matched by Earl’s witty and wry performance

Sunday 5pm to 7pm: the Mardi Gras Jazz Band – this traditional jazz and brass band bring a selection of toe-tapping tunes and Dixieland rhythm to Rye

Sunday 7pm to 9pm: the Desert Turkeys – expect spirited acoustics from this talented trio whose set mixes dynamic original music with lovingly covered classics

Monday 3pm to 5pm: Changing Motion – soulful and funky, their contemporary and Latin jazz is perfect music for a bank holiday Monday

Monday 5pm to 7pm: Alice in Grooveland – even if it rains on Monday these boys’ 60s inspired sounds will be sizzling

Monday 7pm to 9pm: Dirty Martini Swing Band featuring Derek Nash – it’s fitting that this tremendous band who starred at the festival’s launch party should close the Wipers’ outdoor stage, accompanied by Sax Appeal’s Derek Nash

Garry is keen that everyone should enjoy the weekend and as well as the music and food there are, of course, lots of lovely drinks to enjoy. These range from the deliciously pure Folkington’s juices to the Bebop Top beer which has been specially brewed for the festival by the Old Dairy brewery. All in all this sounds like a bank holiday musical extravaganza to remember.

For any changes to the planned programme and more information about the acts visit the pub’s website or the festival’s website.

Jazz in the sun at last year's Wipers musical performance
Jazz in the sun at the Wipers last year


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