Winchelsea Arts present…


This special concert celebrates the Italian tradition during the nine days before Christmas, originating in folk music, where peasants playing musical instruments would go from town to town re-enacting the shepherds’ adoration of the Christ-child. This was transformed into the high art pastorale and was subsequently incorporated into the concerto form making it a celebration of the nativity. It takes place on Friday, December 16 at 7:30pm, St Thomas’ Church, Winchelsea.

The highly acclaimed ensemble OrQuesta directed by Marcio da Silva will be performing baroque music by Vivaldi, Corelli, Valentini, Torelli, Schiassi and Cavalli.

Ensemble OrQuesta

Come and enjoy fabulous music and a glass of Prosecco from the bar. Tickets £20, you can buy online now at or at the door.

Image Credits: Winchelsea Arts .

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