Winchelsea Pirate singers


The Pirates of Penzance visited Winchelsea New Hall over the weekend of November 17 and 18. It was good to see a big audience and the Winchelsea singers deserved their enthusiasm.

The Pirates frighten the maidens

All actors, female and male, were confident and articulate with some lovely voices though three did stand out, particularly Frederic sung by Gary Marriott (pirate apprentice leaving the band on his 21st Birthday) Lesley Moore as Mabel, daughter of the General and happy to accept Frederic’s marriage proposal and David Hance taking centre stage as Major General Stanley. The chorus wonderfully supported the solo singers on stage, together making a big sound.

Winchelsea Singers, Chorus

Dates for the diary:  a Carol Concert on Saturday December 8 at 7pm in the beautiful St Thomas Church, Winchelsea,in aid of St Michael’s Hospice.

And looking ahead, Spring Concert, Saturday 6 April 2019, 7pm, also at St Thomas Church.



Image Credits: Heidi Foster .

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