Winchelsea’s green weekend


Bishop Will Hazlewood was due to preach at last night’s (Thursday) Ascension Day service in St Thomas’ in Winchelsea at the start of a busy weekend celebrating creation with a flower festival, which is so much more, and features a variety of events, often with a green tinge.

Friday’s events include, weather permitting, a churchyard walk and talk from 10am to which local primary schools have been invited. The talk at 11:30am will be about swifts who often seek out quiet and protected places for their nests and can be seen now searching for temporary homes.

Other events include a special church market on Saturday between 10:30am and noon and a concert in St Thomas’ that evening by Hastings Philharmonic Orchestra whose programme will include Beethoven’s Pastoral Symphony. Families and children are invited to sit in at the rehearsal on Saturday at 2:15pm.

For more details of a weekend full of diversity for all the family see Winchelsea flower festival published last week.

Image Credits: Shirley Meyer .

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