Wine and song for Sundays


Danny’s Olde Worlde Wines in Cinque Ports Street hosted its monthly fun afternoon last Sunday, February 12, from 4pm. This popular event is held on the second Sunday of each month and the

Heidi performs a Marlene Dietrich number.

small, cosy place was packed.

The compere, Steve Wilson, initially called on anyone who would like to read a poem. Some were funny, others more serious or personal. My poem fell into the serious. I am no orator, but wanted to put out these thoughts.

Phil Trainor on guitar

Stand silent in the face of injustice and you become part of it,
submit to their truth without uttering a word, you are one of them,
sadly, equality and justice – for many, remains elusive

Then we had a medley of great songs from the professionals, Phil Trainor amongst them. In between, a couple of we amateurs, including myself, were encouraged to perform a song. 

Everyone was very supportive and inclusive and there was a lot of laughter, clapping, chatting and enjoying good wine. If anyone fancies joining in, come to the next afternoon, which will be on March 12.





Photos by Heidi Foster

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