On the look-out – for painters


Dear Editor,

Rye needs a paint job. Not done by impressionists, realists, cubists, pointillists, modernists, pre-Raphaelites or existentialists and their like. What is required are painters prepared to tidy up the very fabric of Rye: the beautiful lampposts, the railings, bollards and some wall-toppings would be a good start.

To commence this transformation, where better  to apply the first brush strokes than at Hilder’s Cliff lookout on the High Street, a legacy of EF Benson (may he long be remembered). Recently some work was done on the Landgate, followed by the lopping of trees further up, which give vistas over the marshes. Natural progression surely requires Hilder’s Cliff look-out to be next in line for restoration to its former glory. Finally, in these times of austerity, do not despair!  If the will exists there is always a way.

John Lanigan

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