New build parking inadequate


In its latest newsletter published this week, the Rye Conservation Society comments upon the failure of the planning system to require sufficient parking capacity for new building developments.

“In the last two years four schemes have been accepted by East Sussex Highways in parking terms. These are Brewery Yard, The Kettle of Fish, 17-19 Tower Street and 48 Ferry Road. They will provide an additional 22 dwellings, primarily 2 bed flats, but with only 12 on-site parking spaces. East Sussex believes that any additional parking requirement will be found by onstreet parking or in the paid for public car parks.

“The Society believes that this is unacceptable and places an unacceptable burden on the existing parking and on local residents and we have taken the matter up with East Sussex Highways and have made our Rother councillors aware of the situation and our concerns. If the Policy T2 in the Rye Neighbourhood Plan V11 is adopted then a total of 44 spaces would be required, plus additional spaces for visitors. The Society believes that at the very least the parking requirement resulting from the imposition of the East Sussex Parking Demand Model should be provided, allocated for all proposed dwellings.”

Image Credits: Rye News library .

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  1. Well done Rye on having a Neighbourhood Plan. My own village, Northiam, presently does not have such plan so we have to reiterate the same objections (eg ratio of parking spaces to bedrooms) case by case. Far better to develop and publish citable policies once than reinvent every time.


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