Spot the visitor


Sandy Spencer supplied this interesting, but slightly confusing, picture of a car parked near the bottom of Lion Street where it joins the High Street – and facing a totally different direction from anybody else.

As the High Street is one way this seemed a little odd, so I ventured the thought that the driver had come down Lion Street, spotted a space, and done a swift right turn into the front of the clothes shop.

However I was assured that the driver drove the wrong way along the High Street, parked, unpacked and walked off.

I assume this must have happened in the evening as the sun was going down as it could not have happened during shopping hours when progress along the High Street is often very, very slow because of people parking, vans delivering, and vehicles of all shapes and sizes being badly parked.

As a regular on the reasonably small white community bus I have much experience of this.

However, as this appears to me (a non-driver and non car-owner) to be a British car, perhaps our signage is not up to scratch – or badly placed – or both.

On a number of occasions I have seen cars (and indeed lorries) trying to go up the one way down Market Road and I have also witnessed much confusion among motorists at the junction at the bottom of Mermaid Street where there is a collision of roads as The Mint, Wish Ward, and Mermaid Street meet and drivers leaving The Mint can be faced with up
to four choices (left, straight on, right, or very sharp right) as to which direction to take.

Nevertheless, while it is tempting to be critical of Rye, one wonders how an (apparently British) driver managed to end up parking like that – and, indeed, how did they get out the following morning without causing considerable chaos?

Image Credits: Sandy Spencer .

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