Accident in West Street


An elderly person was knocked down by a car  at the bottom of West Street, Rye at approximately 3:45 pm on Tuesday afternoon, October 17. Ambulance crews including a critical care paramedic attended the scene. The woman was assessed and treated for a leg injury before being taken to Conquest Hospital. The Suzuki Swift car was apparently reversing towards the High Street.

The police were also in attendance and the lower end off the High Street was closed for more than an hour. The consequent congestion was not helped by the large pet shop delivery lorry stopping outside WJ Bennett’s store, but not using the loading bay, thus obscuring sight lines out of Lion Street. A car parked on the yellow line opposite Market Road prevented an ambulance that was trying to reach the scene of the accident from turning into the High Street.


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  1. Another Emergency vehicle unable to enter the Citadel? Town Council and Town Councillors, do something before someone dies or the historic centre of Rye is burned down – all for the sake of a badly parked vehicle and the lack of your initiative.

  2. The top of Market Road needs a yellow box. No parking, ever, for any reason. The double yellow lines are routinely ignored, especially by blue badge holders who are allowed to park if not causing an obstruction. But most are too dim to realise there is a reason for the double yellows – to allow turning space.

    One day we will all laugh about it, but the lack of parking control, ability of RTC to do anything about it, and examples of efforts like the loading bay outside the George, really are just pathetic.

  3. What is the response from our District and County reps? Come on get the parking problem resolved. It is now 19 months since the public meeting on transport when you agreed to find a solution.

  4. I completely agree that the double yellow lines on the High Street at the top of Market Road need to be enforced at all times.
    It might be a helpful start if all of the yellow lines on the High Street were repainted as most of them are very badly worn and barely visible.

  5. We NEED a park & ride , surely something could be set from Rye Harbour to park & run a couple of buses into Rye , it desperately needs to be sorted out , parking is ridiculous in Rye

  6. Two years ago we moved from central Brighton to Military Road in Rye. We have been shocked at the lack of traffic control in this town – it seems to be the norm for motorists to park on double yellow lines and the speeding in the town and particularly, for us, along Military Road is appalling. The 30mph speed limit is rarely observed. Elderly and disabled people risk their lives when crossing Rye Hill from Military Road where speeding traffic comes from three directions. Local residents tell us that they have petitioned for years to have a crossing at that point but to no avail because as yet there has not been a fatality there. Must we wait for someone to be killed or seriously injured before something is done to make traffic safer in this town. When will the local council and Highways England act?

    Colin Somerville and Harvey Gillman

  7. We walk into town most days along Military Road starting at the footpath from New England Lane. The first thing we have to contend with is speeding traffic and a narrow pavement, which is frequently blocked by cars and vans requiring a hazardous detour into the road.
    Once we reach the end of the road we have to take our life in our hands again in order to cross the A268. We have lost count of the times that, although the road has been clear to our left, before we are half way across a speeding vehicle is bearing down on us. Visibility in this direction is limited but this shouldn’t be a problem as long as the traffic heeds the pedestrian warning sign and the speed limit.
    It is becoming increasingly obvious that, with no enforcement, motorists in Rye are treating the law regarding speed limits and parking regulations with contempt.

  8. It’s time to open the Police station up full time, also we need parking wardens in the town. Don’t give me the old adage of the magic money tree, they found the money to give to the DUP.


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