All good things come to an end


Is there a singing leader out there?

It is with tremendous sadness that the Music Well’s singing group is saying goodbye to its wonderful leader Louise Fletcher.

Louise has been leading the group for over seven years and has been an inspiration to one and all. Not only is she the most wonderful musician, who seems to know every song ever written and can play it on her keyboard without music, but also the most magnificent human being.

She has the ability to make every member of the group feel special and valued. Chris McGrath, a member of the group, expressed this perfectly: “Louise has a natural talent for adapting the music for all of us and supporting us individually. Thanks Louise, we shall miss you.”

The singing group is made up of a variety of people with a common love of singing. For many, it is the highlight of the week. Singing raises the spirits and is extremely beneficial for health and wellbeing.

We know that we will never find another Louise but if there is anyone out there who thinks they can take up the group where Louise left off and mould it into their own creation we would be really keen to hear from you!

The group meets every Tuesday from 1 – 2.15pm at the Rye Scout Centre, The Grove, Rye TN31 7ND.

Please contact us on 01797 226330 or by email at

Image Credits: Andy Stuart .

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  1. I do hope the right person will be found to keep the singing group thriving.
    Keep advertising in all the likely places…and Word of mouth .
    Hope may be someone reading this article will be that person or know someone who knows someone.
    When the group originally started my father came along just after my mother died and it really helped us both .Then it met in the evening at the Literary club in Market Road…with your first teacher. Happy days…

  2. Yes, Judith, the wonderful Catrina Lafferty used to be our leader. Your dad, Edwin, was a star of the group and not only loved the singing but the camaraderie as well. When Catrina left the Music Well singers Louise stepped in and brought a different approach which was equally stimulating. Who will be the next? There must be someone out there! Give us a call…

    • Thank you Niki for your kindly remembering my father Edwin..he certainly had a zest for life and never gave up…trying new things.
      Surely someone is out there for the group to continue.
      Hope people contact you for details..

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