Rye Bonfire Society held another very successful Auction of Promises in the Mermaid Hotel on Thursday May 24. Final figures are to follow, but to date more than £6,000 was raised towards this year’s Rye bonfire pageant and local good causes.

Many thanks to Ruth Palmer and her team for collecting such an eclectic collection of items, including a unicycle, boat trip around Rye Bay, paddle boarding, a floppy hat, wool spinning lesson, nest of three pine tables, bottle of champagne from French Embassy in Paris, House of Commons bottle of whisky signed by Jeremy Corbyn, hand-carved wooden plaque of favourite person or pet, clairvoyant reading and healing.

The honour of being Rye Fawkes, to be carried down to the Salts, and a chance of a lifetime to light the “Normous Bonfire”was given to Juta in appreciation for all her support to Rye Bonfire over many years, this alone raised £500.
Other great items that sold well included the magnificent picture of Rye bonfire’s burning boat from Prince Romanov which went for £400 and original John Ryan drawings of Captain Pugwash (£420) and Cut Throat Jake (£480) both kindly donated by Priscilla Ryan.
Many thanks to Jimmy Hollands for keeping us all entertained whilst coaxing and persuading all to part with their cash.
Rye & District Bonfire Society would like to thank the Mermaid Hotel for its continued support in hosting our annual Auction of Promises to raise funds for this year’s bonfire celebrations and everybody who has donated such wonderful items.
Photos Arabella Answar & Willie Wicking