Surprises in store at Ethel Loves Me


And it has begun at Ethel Loves Me. The Ethels have picked up their tools this week for their refurb, so expect lots of colour coming soon.

Refurbs are hard going and demanding however that does not deter Jo and Jason, so expect something special when they unveil their new look later in the week. No spoilers.

Ethel Loves me

In a quiet moment Jo was looking at the CCTV and noticed a special message for her in the chaos. Breathe! And indeed in chaos it is hard to keep sight of the end result. But we all know that Ethel will deliver something special.

Image Credits: Ethel Loves me , Ethel Loves me .

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  1. What a lovely shop they provide for Rye. Let’s get behind them, amazing shop for gifts.
    You can’t walk in this shop without buying some thing.

  2. Enjoy browsing and buying from Ethel Loves Me- Wonderful cards, unusual gifts for friends, great service, and a warm welcome from Jo, Jason and the team. #savingthedate for this makeover. Re :-Breathe -This is what my superhero writes on A4 paper in bold print before I do any kind of Event.


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