Children’s clothes needed


The winter appeal for clothes and bedding is underway, to provide aid for displaced people in refugee camps in Iraq, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon. Janet Waddams who organises the collections says good quality warm children’s clothes are particularly needed. Do you have clothes your child has grown out of, or do you have a friend or neighbour who could help?  Please help to spread the word.

The collection is being made for Samara’s Aid Appeal, a Brighton charity which sends truckloads of vital supplies out to the camps. Clothes and bedding should be left at the vestry at St Mary’s.

A group of knitters/crocheters are also creating blankets to send with Janet’s shipments. The group meets every Monday at 10am at St Mary’s church and all are welcome to come along for knitting and nattering. The group also has knitting patterns available to pick up at St Mary’s should anyone wish to contribute a few squares. Donations of wool, even odd half balls are very welcome.

Photos: Samara’s Appeal

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