Christingle in the harbour


The Christingle service took place at the Church of the Holy Spirit in Rye Harbour on Sunday, December 19. It was wonderful to see so many villagers in the congregation.

A big thank you to the Tollett family at the village stores who donated the oranges and the sweets and also to the families in the village who transformed them for everyone, Clair Debley-Turner and Teigan, Lucy Green, Vicky Thompson and the Bruces supported by their families.

The church looked lovely and Christmassy which was the work of Toby, Skye, Haiden and Rebekah-bleu.

The new rector of Rye, Revd. Paul White, came to the Church of the Holy Spirit for the first time and commented afterwards: “It was an absolute delight to take my first service at the Church of the Holy Spirit in Rye Harbour on Sunday 19th December. It was a Christingle service, in which we remember Jesus coming as the light of the world at Christmas, and it was brilliantly planned by Kt and Martin Bruce, with Martin playing the hymns.

“It was lovely to see so many people there with their children and grandchildren (and dogs) and it was good to meet some Rye Harbour people. One little lad (who shall remain nameless here) obviously felt a call to lead the service as he climbed first into the pulpit and then up to the altar – it is always good to have another ministry team member!

“I look forward to spending more time in Rye Harbour and to getting involved with the lifeboat station, the sailing club (although I need a refresher course!) and to all that happens in the community. Although I live in Rye I am, very much, the ‘vicar’ for Rye Harbour too, here for everyone in the times that challenge us and in the times of celebration.”

Theo was the little lad who kept us all entertained. I think it was lovely that he felt so at home in the church and had a big explore, after all it is a special children’s service.

Image Credits: Kt Bruce .

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