DIY closure confirmed



Rye DIY has announced that Saturday, September 1 will be its last trading day. Rumours had abounded that the store would get new owners. At one point this was the plan, but no more. The current owners retire in September, so the store’s only option is to close.

Photo: Kenneth Bird

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  1. Such a shame this local business has to close! ……
    When it comes to it , it was just down to greed by landlord, as several local people wanted to take over this shop and keep it going and bring it back to what it used to be for local residents!

  2. They will be sadly missed with another store catering for local people gone. So sorry for the staff who were always helpful.

  3. Must agree with Nikkie, most of the shops in Rye are locally owned,and there will be many others empty soon as the tenants are being squeezed for more rent, Rumour has it, it’s going to be a junk shop emporium, get as many tenants in there, sharing the rent and rates.

  4. A great shame. We used to have both Rye DIY and the once-excellent John Dennis in the High Street. But we still have the tucked-away Rye Hire in Cyprus Place (crammed with everything you can think of – do go and look), Alsford’s in South Undercliff (limited range but good selection and quality) and Channon’s in the Market Place (not just for farmers). And if all else fails, Webb’s in Tenterden is an excellent and very well-stocked DIY and household shop. No need to go to Hastings or Ashford.

  5. The closure of Rye DIY is another nail in good hardware stores coffin, having just lost another on The Ridge, Scollays, which will be earmarked for the knee-jerk Government’s agenda for ‘more housing’. Scollays could have been saved, with very interested buyers in the offing but, due to family ‘politics’, it closed. Not everyone is fascinated with, or wants to shop on, the internet! Perhaps landlords, too, might reconsider their avaricious tendencies towards high rents. Of course, people who run businesses should surely be allowed to retire relevantly, but sadly, it is Joe Public that bears the loss. Grrrrrrrrr!!

  6. I had heard that Webbs were going to take the store over. A sad day; Rye DIY used to have everything, but things have evidently not been well for months.

  7. Let’s just hope that if and when some person or another diy take over the shop
    The very helpful staff will be employed . you couldn’t wish for a better knowledgeable staff.wishing the staff all the very best.

  8. Thsi is a great shame, I will miss them too. As a fairly regular customer for the last 10 years they have always been very helpful and pleasant to deal with. Best of luck to all the leaving staff.


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