Election latest May 31


Rye hustings

We have a date for the Rye election debate. The hustings will take place in St Mary’s church a few days before the general election on Saturday, June 29 at 7pm. It’s being organised by Revd Paul White who says all the main candidates in the Hastings & Rye constituency have been invited. “Each will be speaking for 10 minutes, followed by questions from the floor.”

Another candidate

The Communist Party has announced its candidate. Nicholas Davies was confirmed following the party’s political committee meeting on Friday, May 24. That makes six candidates, with the following already declared: Helena Dollimore for Labour, Guy Harris for the Liberal Democrats, Sally-Ann Hart for the Conservatives, Lucian Fernando for Reform and Becca Horn for the Greens.

Election timetable

We will know next week if any other candidates put themselves forward when nominations close at 4pm on Friday June 7. The deadline to apply for a vote is Wednesday, June 19. Voting takes place on Thursday, July 4, with the count beginning straight after polls close at 10pm. The result of the Hastings and Rye constituency will be announced at some time on Friday morning.

Not standing

Whatever happens in the Bexhill and Battle constituency – which now includes Brede and Udimore following boundary changes – there will definitely be a new MP. The incumbent, Conservative Huw Merriman, has said he is not standing for re-election. Speaking on Thursday, May 23 he said: “To both the next MP for Bexhill and Battle and to a future Rail Minister – if these roles bring even half the amount of happiness as they have brought me, then it will make you very proud.”

Vote information

You can find your polling station here: https://www.rother.gov.uk/findmynearest

You will need proof of ID to vote in person, the official Electoral Commission guidance is here: https://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/voting-and-elections/voter-id

Rye News has contacted all six candidates so far asking for their priorities for our town to be published on Friday June 21.

Image Credits: Thomas Dahlstrom Nielsen/ Wikimedia Commons https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ .

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