How was 2021 for you?


Each person’s memories of the past year, 2021, will differ, as will our hopes for the coming year, 2022. And my new year has started with a call from the Conquest Hospital summoning me in for an urgent appointment – a not surprising request in my current circumstances.

But the new year is also a time to both look back and plan ahead for the future, and many individuals and organisations will both be looking back and planning ahead at this time – and Rye News would like to hear from you all – as no doubt will your members, volunteers and potential customers.

In the case of Rye News (and I was editor at the start of the year) nearly 1,100 articles were published which attracted nearly twice as many comments and those articles were viewed over a million times – or 1,043,824 times to be precise.

And Rye News is divided into subject sections like News, Culture and Opinions with each section having a new lead (where possible) each week, and the lead which attracted most views was “Vigilantes attack bikers” with 5,796 views and the lead which attracted most comments, at 32, was “All change at Number 3“.

“Vigilantes ” was a March report about tin tacks and nails being sprinkled on the road down at Strand Quay and “Number 3” was about 3 Landgate in February. It attracted an avalanche of comments as a debate broke out over when Landgate was King Street, an 1873 Ordnance Survey map was produced as evidence, and a wide ranging discussion reached out to Little London and the Green Steps – and the differences between Ryers and those “Down From London” (DFLs)

Pasties cause gritted teeth

Cornish pasties attracted only slightly fewer comments (31) and a lot of views (4,100) when it was reported that Rye Shoes was going to be replaced by a Cornish pasty café and shop in February – and work on transforming it has proceeded at a rapid pace over Christmas with an early new year opening anticipated.

So, despite a very difficult year, during which much was cancelled, but the Rye Arts Festival did indeed happen, Rye News continues to grow – and keep you entertained. But that depends on you, and your news, and your contributions – for which we are always grateful.

Learning to cope

Many had to work from home. Others, faced with losing customers, had to change their ways to home deliveries, or takeaways, or other ways of surviving. And many needed help, and many volunteered – in a whole range of ways – from doing shopping to collecting medicines and to providing “stay-at-home” kids with laptops for online schooling. And Rye News reported as many of those stories as it could.

And now we would like to hear from you – from clubs, organisations, schools, groups of one sort or another, or individuals – and even the town council – about how 2021 was for you, and what your plans are for this new year – and let’s hope it is a happy new year and healthy for all of us.

Image Credits: J. Minter .

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  1. Your positivity is a real tonic, Charles, in times when news, by definition, seems to be bad or divisive. I hope that you and all the Rye News team enjoy a peaceful, healthy and happy year in 2022. Rye News is a quality local publication, a huge blessing in this community, and very greatly appreciated. It is true that we have much to be thankful for!

  2. Well done Rye News: you managed to keep going through what was by any standards a pretty difficult year. Actually ‘keep going’ is probably damning with faint praise – you’ve been great! I love reading the articles about me old hometown wherever I roam (not far this last year), and I find the readers comments most entertaining: a snapshot of what Ryers think (or don’t think). Long may ye continue. Have a lovely New Years party (or business meeting with wine and cheese): there that’s a happy image to conjure up 2021 …

  3. Good on you, Chris, and best wishes with the challenges you presently face. Looking forward to hearing more from you and keeping up with events in Rye News in 2022. Happy New Year to all.


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