Jempson’s Ukraine appeal


Jempson’s are proud to support our local farmers, growers, producer and services, as well as the communities that we are privileged to serve.

We are deeply shocked and saddened by the terrible events that are unfolding in Ukraine. The Ukrainian people are foremost in our thoughts and we stand in solidarity with them.

It is therefore with immediate effect, that the beneficiary of all our in-store charity boxes will be transferred to fundraising for those whose lives have been affected at this desperately difficult time.

All Jempson’s stores and the Rye Bakery outlets are offering customers and colleagues the opportunity to give their support by way of a voluntary donation of £1 when at our store till points. We will match this, with all the donations received to our in-store charity collection boxes, up to £10,000.

All monies raised will be donated to the ‘Salvation Army Disasters Fund’.

The Salvation Army have emergency teams stationed in Ukraine, as well as Poland, Moldova, Slovakia and other surrounding countries.

Let’s try and reach £20,000 in the coming weeks to reach those in urgent need.

Thank you for your support.

Stephen and all at Jempson’s.

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  1. Thank you Stephen for organising this and showing humanity in this crises with most of the public.
    I have heard complaints that now the people of Afghanistan and refugees will be forgotten. Not so but most have a roof over their head by now and working with projects here. Ukrainians are in need now to find a safe roof over their head.


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