Landgate and beggars on agenda


Rye Town Council will be discussing the Landgate’s future at next Monday’s (November 27) Policy, Resources and General Purposes Committee along with Rother District Council’s (RDC) plans for restricting anti-social behaviour, and possible charitable status for the Heritage Centre on Strand Quay.

The council will receive a verbal report on a meeting earlier on Monday of the stakeholders concerned about the medieval Landgate’s restoration. The Landgate dominates the entrance to the High Street.

Stories elsewhere in this edition reflect conflicting views on what to do about the Landgate which is in poor repair and is currently owned and managed by RDC.

The Town Council will also hear about RDC plans for a proposed public space protection order covering nuisance begging, sleeping in vehicles, drinking alcohol in a public space, dangerous cycling and skateboarding on pavements, fly-tipping and fossils.

The council will also get a lengthy report on autumn visitors, including ghost walkers, to the Heritage Centre from manager Louisa O’ Shaughnessy and discuss whether the centre would benefit from charitable status.

The town used to have a Tourist Information Centre but it was closed down by  RDC. The town council will be told that Rother is now taking back control of the New Events Fund money (which provided grants for new events such as the ukulele festival) which it had delegated to the Town Council to distribute.

The meeting will follow the Planning Committee at 6:30pm on Monday and start no earlier than 6:45pm. All meetings are open to the public.



Photo: Rye News Library

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