Landgate friends go on


The Friends of the Landgate held their inaugural public meeting on January 21. The purpose of the meeting was to gauge support and to better understand the viewpoints of residents and businesses in Rye.
Over 30 people attended. Gillian Roder, who first set up the small volunteer group, described the aims as “to work with stakeholders and interested parties and individuals to secure a viable future for the Landgate”. Gillian made it clear that it was not the aim to try and take over ownership in any way, whilst working positively with Rother District Council (RDC) to ensure a future for this historic building.
It was explained that the Landgate is not on the Heritage “At Risk” Register, held by Historic England, and a number of attendees spoke about RDC’s recent stakeholder meeting and the ˜Outline Vision” report, prepared by Thomas Ford and Company.
There were many views expressed by those attending, especially about the political framework in which the Landgate sits. The outcome was an agreement to continue to work with stakeholders and local authorities to explore a sustainable future for the Landgate.
It was clear from the meeting that there was strong support for the Friends of the Landgate to continue. Updates of any progress will be made as and when there is news. If anyone would like to be informed, please let us know at

Photo: Gillian Roder

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  1. Surely the Landgate does not need to get on the “at risk” list before action is taken the clock, the tree growing out of the roof, etc. I was sorry that I was unable to attend the meeting a.Are the TV being asked to report on this it does seem that if the Media are involved minds are concentrated!

  2. I agree with Diana Edwards. It was my experience when I was a Rother District Councillor at the time toilets were about to close that media coverage does make a difference. Councils hate the media being involved. Publicity is good and often wakes people up! I am sure BBC South East would love to hear from Friends of the Landgate.

  3. Sorry that I couldn’t attend the meeting. Totally agree re publicity. Consider some sort of telegenic stunt to embarrass RDC into doing something soon. How long is it now that they have done nothing of note?


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