Limelight on unstoppable learning


An update from Rye Primary School:

Den making

Early Years Home Learning
Our Pugwash families have been going out for their daily walks and having lots of fun in the garden making a mud kitchen and enjoying water play. Other activities that they have been taking part in are baking, making salt dough and painting.

In our Reception classes we are so proud of the amazing work coming in through “dojo” every day. The teachers and teaching assistants in Reception are posting videos daily to the children and the children are sending in responses to our challenges. Our page has become a little online community and we know the children love seeing posts from the adults at school and their friends. We are particularly grateful to the parents who have signposted other parents and provided some technical support to each other!

Poppy collects 143 dojos for amazing work

Year 1 Home Learning
The children in Seahorses class have been working incredibly hard, in particular Max, who has been sending in work regularly. Billy, Teddy and Oakley have also sent in examples of writing and sharing books that they have been reading at home.

Clownfish have also been very busy with their home learning, They have a total of 438 class dojos for their lovely work. Poppy has been working incredibly hard and has 143 dojos already. Daniel has also been amazing and has 121 dojos!

Children have created their avatars in Purple Mash

Year 2 Home Learning
In Year 2 the children have been playing “Guess Who?” The children have created their avatars in purple mash then the other children have to guess who it could be. The only rule is that they have to make their avatars look as much like them as possible. Even the teachers have got involved; Miss Brewster’s hair is amazing!

Another mum has shared her timetable and commented: “Mass appreciation for the role that teachers play after this crazy period! I’m shattered!”

Germ Experiment

Year 3 Home Learning
Barracudas children have been working so hard and have found some very creative ways to keep learning at home.  That includes some amazing art work on Lola’s fence. Summer and Mary have produced some fantastic writing in our “Rye Writer” Alien Challenge! Other children have great fun going on nature walks with their parents.

Cuttlefish have been sending in so much home learning every day, it’s been amazing to see They’ve been completing tasks that set for them, setting their own tasks, and challenging themselves to learn life-long skills.

Ocean habitat diorama

Year 4 Home Learning
Super Stingrays have been so busy.

Caiden wrote a super fact file about his pet Bearded Dragon.

Year 4 were asked to watch a live Steve Backshall lesson on creatures and their habitats which linked in beautifully with their science topic. They have made maths games with Lego, baking, and cooking.

Children in Orcas have been setting each other wordsearch challenges using words from their topic and spellings. They have also been busy making things which are linked to their topic and science work, Freya made an excellent ocean habitat diorama. Belle made an amazing cake which had lots of maths involved and looked absolutely delicious!

Seaside persuasive posters

Year 5 Home Learning
Marvellous Marlin have been working so hard to complete purple mash tasks and activities set through their class page, as well as having lots of creative fun at home, too.
Rhys, Lexi, Evie, Ruby and lots more of the class have been busy creating informative E-safety and seaside persuasive posters.

Miss Brewster and Miss Beeching have been so impressed with the practical learning ideas that the children have been taking part in and have loved seeing all the pictures that they have shared with us.

Jellyfish children have been uploading their work to Class dojo and they’re trying very hard! Keep up the good work!

Year 6 Home Learning
Children in Sharks have been working really hard engaging in a variety of creative activities using different skills and equipment they have at home. Brooke has made an amazing bird feeding station for her garden using odds and ends she found and Mark made a fabulous vegetable curry from scratch.

Miss Bright been really impressed with the children and their parents who have logged on to dojo and have been sharing their home learning regularly. There has been a lot of effort made to complete GPS activities from the booklet this week. Special mention to Layla who has been sending English, maths, GPS and creative activities in through her dojo portfolio daily.

Source: Rye Primary School

Image Credits: Rye Community Primary School .

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