Charity shop shares its profits


The Rye Community Charity Shop recently held its second funding presentation evening where the successful groups were Rye and District Community Transport, the Music Well, Rye Boys Club and Rye and District Day Care Centre.

The shop, which is run by a team of local volunteers, has been extremely successful in raising funds and to date has awarded £6,000 to community groups and charities in the Rye area.

Volunteer Jackie Pepper said: “Our aim has always been to support the local community with the funds we raise in the shop.” So far, the shop has been able to help support nine community groups as well as raise funds towards the day care centre run by Activities, Respite, Rehabilitation, Care Centres (ARRCC).

“All the volunteers would like to thank everyone for all their support and wish all of the groups who were awarded funding every success. We pride ourselves in being the only local, old fashioned charity shop and donations are always gratefully received. Please call in and see us, where you will find a warm welcome and maybe find a bargain,” said Jackie, Lorna, Jeff and all the team. Former Mayor Jo Kirkham joined individual volunteers from the shop in presenting the cheques to the four groups.

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