Lord Wardens Cadet


 Rye Sea Cadets nomination for a member to become one of Lord Warden’s Cadets has been accepted.

The Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports has appointed two cadets to support him in undertaking his duties throughout the 14 Cinque Port towns. One of the Cadets chosen is Rye Units very own Able Cadet Jack Brown.

Admiral Lord Boyce presented Able Cadet Brown with a signed certificate and a distinctive badge that can be worn on his uniform.  The investiture ceremony took place on Friday June 2 at Walmer Castle in Deal, Kent

Able Cadet Jack Brown commenced his cadet career at Rye unit in 2013. Since that time, he has risen through the ranks to Able Cadet and is now actively pursuing his Leading Cadet rate.

Jack is a mature young man who is a very good role model for the younger cadets in the unit. He often instructs cadets when staff availability is low. Jack has made the most of every opportunity within the wider Sea Cadet Corps, sailing in TS Royalist, attending Zulu Company Summer Camp and acting as an ambassador for the unit, Sussex District and the Sea Cadets during a two week international exchange visit to Australia.

When not at the unit Jack spends much of his time representing the UK at polocrosse ( an amalgamation of polo and lacrosse). To this end, Jack has represented Wales under 16 in the home internationals. He has also, in 2014, represented the UK under 16 squad, while in 2015 was UK under 16 team captain for the test matches against Zambia.

Chief Petty Officer Steven Smith, Officer in Charge, Rye Unit said, “I am very proud of Jack Brown being accepted as Lord Warden’s Cadet. This is an amazing achievement and Jack should make the most of every opportunity that this role will provide”.

The Sea Cadets is a nationwide uniformed youth organisation for boys and girls. Junior Sections start from the ages of 10 to 12 and the senior section starts from 12 to 18 years of age. Rye Sea Cadets meets twice a week, on Mondays 6:50-9pm for seniors and on Fridays 6:50-9pm for all cadets. We are located in Rock Channel

Rye Sea Cadets are now recruiting for juniors 10–12 years old on Fridays 7-9pm and seniors 12-18 years on Mondays and Fridays 7-9pm

Enquiries to CPO (SCC) Steve Smith. Officer in Charge  Tel: 01797 224720 (Monday and Friday evening) www.facebook.com/ryeseacadets

Source: Rye Sea Cadets

Photographs showing Able Cadet Jack Brown, with Admiral Lord Boyce


Photo: Rye Sea Cadets

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