Music with the Mayor

Ella Warner-King

The Mayor held his annual Christmas get-together for representatives of the various organisations that help Rye to be the town that it is.

In addition to the usual generous drinks and canapes and after a short speech by Mayor Jonathan Breeds, the assembled company was entertained by members of Rye College and the Studio school, who all proved themselves to be highly talented, with a selection of seasonal songs. While all were good, this writer was particularly impressed with the youngest of the group, Ella Warner-King, who showed great confidence and maturity when standing up and singing her solo piece in front of 50 or so total strangers.

Jayden Vicary and Robert Eldridge are also to be commended for performing two gigs in one night. No sooner had they finished at the Mayor’s party than they were off to perform again at the Wurlitzer concert.

Well done to all of them.

Photos, John Minter

Photos, John Minter

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