On the road again


For the first time since 2019, the ever-popular Appledore Vintage and Classic Vehicle Rally drew petrolheads by the thousand to the village recreation ground last Sunday.

Vehicles from a pre-1919 vintage Ford Model T, through Morgans, Morrises and Sunbeams of the 30s, and Hillmans, Chevvies and MGs of the post-war years to the classic Jags, Triumphs, Mustangs and Porsches of more recent decades, there was quite simply, something for everyone to stand in awe of and drool over.

Appledore vintage vehicle rally

The event was fast becoming the largest rally in the area before the Covid pandemic called a red light to proceedings for the next two years, but judging by the thousands who flocked to the event this year, its popularity has not waned.

Indeed, the two year break seems to have given many exhibitors the opportunity to potter around the garage, fix-up, make good, and polish their cherished vehicles, ready for the time when they could get their motors running and head out on the highway once more.

Although many of those on display had been the slickest and quickest on the roads in their heyday, today they are not so fast and furious but still draw looks of awe and admiration from a multi-generational crowd of onlookers. And it wasn’t just the die-hard petrol heads. On one of the hottest days of the year, whole families turned out to enjoy not just the multitude of vehicles, but trade stalls, arena events, car club displays, and of course, the ice creams.

Appledore vintage vehicle rally – The perfect car for a summer day – The Mini Moke

The show is organised by the Appledore Recreation Ground Management Committee whose hard work make this one of the largest events on the classic vehicle calendar in the south-east.

Now in its 38th year, the rally is the single largest event on the recreation ground each year and generates funding to maintain and operate this vital village asset for the benefit of the Appledore community.

If you want to enter a vehicle for the 2023 rally, start your engine and head over to: www.appledorevehiclerally.co.uk

Image Credits: Chris Lawson .

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