Police operation cracks down


As the weather has begun to warm up and evenings become lighter, many residents of Rye and the surrounding villages will experience loud engine noise from speeding vehicles, mostly motor cycles, as they are ridden in an anti-social way.

In response to an increase in complaints about anti-social driving, Sussex Police have launched Operation Downsway.  Across the force it has been put in place to tackle this behaviour, an example of which is groups of motorcycles speeding.

An existing initiative, it is a joint campaign run by Sussex Safer Roads Partnership (SSRP) and Sussex Police, which gives the communities of Sussex an opportunity to report specific instances of anti-social driving.

You are invited to report instances of anti-social driving using a quick and simple online tool http://www.operationcrackdown.org

Reports help give Sussex Police an oversight of when and where anti-social driving incidents in Sussex are taking place. In instances where there is sufficient evidence road users are contacted and educated by Sussex Police to highlight the impact of anti-social behaviour on the roads on the wider community.

All reports provide a vital oversight of when and where anti-social driving incidents are taking place, assisting in the long term operational strategy of colleagues within SSRP and Sussex Police.

A result of increased complaints may very well see an increased policing presence on the roads particularly at the weekend.

Image Credits: Sussex Police .

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  1. Yes it’s helpful perhaps to have a new policing project but it seems that the grouping of the rule breakers, the bikers are beyond approach. Some of rye people have not been much further than Rye Harbour or camber if that and are upset that at the moment the visitors on strand quay from everywhere think they are above the rules and cant wait till July.
    But more to the point 2 police bikes drove past without stopping so would reporting really achieve anything

  2. When I was teaching, I used to encounter a lot of rude and dangerous drivers during my morning commute, and I found that Sussex Police’s Operation Crackdown webpage was easy to use and could be very effective. Updates were provided if the miscreant was ever reprimanded or fined, and that happened often enough to keep me using it. It is essential, though, to provide the police with a registration plate number, and that might be a challenge to note down when the motorcycle is roaring along Military Road at 60+ miles per hour…


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