Redevelopment plans rejected


Plans to redevelop the premises of a furniture makers in Rye have been turned down again. In a decision notice published earlier this month, a planning inspector has dismissed an appeal connected with proposals for the Holland of Rye site on the South Undercliff.

In an application submitted to Rother District Council, developers had been seeking outline planning permission to demolish the existing building and replace it with both a new commercial building and four four-bedroom houses. The plans were refused by Rother District Council in August last year, with officers raising concerns around overdevelopment, the loss of employment space and the impact of the construction on Ferry Cottage, a nearby Grade II listed building.

The developer appealed against this decision, but the council’s concerns were shared by the planning inspector. In their decision notice, the inspector said: “The proposal would result in the removal of a utilitarian older building that is in a declining state of repair, the provision of modern commercial floor space and four family-sized dwellings. In addition, I acknowledge that the council is expected to readily meet its overall employment land supply target, but has a significant housing land supply shortfall. These public benefits weigh in favour of the proposal. However, the loss of employment floorspace in this location has not been justified. It has not been demonstrated that the proposal’s employment potential would be comparable to or exceed that of the retention of the whole site in employment use.”

The inspector’s report also highlighted problems with the proposed development itself. “The proposal is cramped, over-intensive and would provide unsatisfactory living conditions for the occupiers of the proposed dwellings. Accordingly, I only give moderate weight to these combined public benefits. Overall, I find that the public benefits that would result from the proposal would clearly fail to outweigh the identified harm that would be caused to Ferry Cottage and the Rother Conservation Area.”

As a result, the inspector dismissed the appeal. For further information on the proposals see application reference RR/2020/995/P on the Rother District Council website.

Image Credits: Rye News taken by JS .

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  1. One must feel sorry for Hollands of Rye, who are trying to redevelop ageing buildings, on what has become an eyesore of old building, yes it may be in an area of industrial buildings, but to make excuses that it is not in keeping with a little cottage right in the heart of an area that has become an eyesore over the years is ridiculous. Over the years, last time the owner put in a planning application for this site,concerns were raised about more vehicles accessing the A259, but then a redundant boat yard was given permission to be changed into a restaurant around Rock Channel, it will be interesting when East Sussex County Council put in planning for the point, and one wonders if the issues affecting the cottage,and access,will be enough for planning to be refused, but I wouldn’t bank on it,,as I’ve said before there is one rule for some, and others get passed,without a whisper.

  2. David
    Inspectors always visit sites in question but, for fairly obvious reasons, do not make themselves known whilst doing it.

  3. I would just like to add to my recent post about Rock Channel, Mr Richard Curd a local man has informed me he now owns the boat yard and associated buildings,and has no intention of taking up the option of a restaurant on that site, I wish him well for the future,in boat building and maintenance of our pleasure and fishing fleet, which has been an important part of the history of this boatyard for the past hundreds of years.


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