Restaurant for Tilling Green


A planning proposal has been submitted to Rother District Council for change of use for the empty newsagents shop premises at 45 Lea Avenue, Tilling Green into an eat-in and takeaway chicken and pizza restaurant. Opening hours are proposed to be all day and evenings until 11pm. Whilst permitted development approval for change to a café and restaurant was granted in 2021, the presently-included extension to a take-away requires further planning consent.

This has occasioned some strongly mixed reactions from neighbours. One mother I spoke to with a young family welcomed the idea as a place near home where her children could meet safely. Other residents were fearful that a late night takeaway would create rubbish, attract antisocial behaviour and increase traffic.

Full details of the application can be found here.

Image Credits: Kenneth Bird .

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  1. Living on Tilling Green estate at the moment I cannot think of anything worse than opening a takeaway chicken shop. Currently there are high levels of anti-social behaviour, drug taking, terrible parking on pavements and grass verges and general rubbish all over the place: no takeaway chicken shop I have ever come across has helped with these issues. I lived in London for many years and have seen how these takeaway restaurants blight communities with their unhealthy food, stench and general unpleasantness.

    However, a day time cafe for local people to sit and socialise would be a great idea –

  2. I don’t think there’s much to say about the proposal than hasn’t been documented in the online comments in the application. The residents are opposing it with some justification!

  3. A close friend recently bought a house very close to the premises in question. She is horrified by the prospect of chaotic parking, smell, the appearance of seagulls and rats, litter, anti-social behavior around the shop, and noise which will not stop with the 11 p.m. closing as patrons disperse and the proprietors close up for the night after cleaning the kitchen, emptying rubbish. etc. She is hoping permission for this project will be denied, otherwise she may have to consider selling her lovely home and moving elsewhere – something she is reluctant to do, and she is probably not alone in this. The convenience shop is very useful to the immediate neighbourhood, but the chicken and pizza venture is surely not necessary considering the number of enterprises in Rye that deliver these products free of charge to local addresses.

  4. I completely agree with Phil Law on all of his points.
    There is already an overload of rubbish around the neighborhood and in the adjoining park due to discar packaging from the convenience store. We don’t need to add to that.
    I do love the idea of a dine-in cafe where people can sit down and connect over tea, though.
    Community is about connection and creating more spaces and places for people to connect in healthy, productive ways is vital.
    Let’s promote “slow food” (real cooking) not more fast fake designer labeled “food.”

  5. Sad to hear Phil law and his comments on Tilling Green Estate, once the hub of so many local families, who brought up their children properly, “where has it all gone so wrong”, maybe it’s time for our councils to adress these problems that Phil has highlighted, isn’t that what they were elected for, plus the fact that the police have gone AWOL from Rye for years,hasn’t helped this ongoing situation.

    • Thanks John, indeed I grew up on the estate in the 60s and 70s, as did many people I know who still live in and around Rye. My Mum is about to reach 90 and still lives in the same house in which we grew up. It is very sad to see the decline: it was a great supportive community. Of course there are many reasons why this has happened, but I don’t think anyone thinks opening a fast food chicken shop is going to help …

  6. Phil Laws comments don’t surprise me, they sadden me because that’s so different to the estate I grew up on.
    Back in the 50’s and 60’s it was known as “The new estate” and was a great place to live, full of locals who all knew each other, kept an eye on each other and knew how to behave.
    I know it’s all rose tinted glasses and I now have no direct family ties there but I do know a lot of people who still live there and mourn it’s demise.
    On the question of the shops, there was always as we called them a sweet shop and a grocers, the sweet shop sold everything from cigs to knitting wool and everything in between, the grocers sold all thing food obviously.
    You didn’t need a degree in economics to know that once one shop mirrored the other it was only a matter of time before one would fold.
    Losing the post office didn’t help but once both shops came under one ownership I suppose a lot o& people thought it would all become one big shop which in my humble opinion would have been a much more acceptable proposition.
    Looking at it from the owners point of view they must have thought long and hard (about 5 minutes) about how they could make money.
    Captive young audience and a licence to print money, another problem is that most takeaways do a lot of their trade once the pubs shut, let’s face it, most of us headed strait to the kebab shop on our way home.

  7. I think the comments from John and Tony reflect today’s society and Tillingreen is probably no different to any other estate.
    John says “ where did it all go wrong “ . I’m not sure myself but our society is blighted by the minority of antisocial people.
    Why do people think it’s ok to litter? It’s incomprehensible to me! My children and my grandchildren know the rules and would never litter, it’s how they’re bought up and it’s easy.
    I think most people have a vision of the proposed takeaway – more litter, more noise and just more antisocial behaviour.

  8. I have no current interest in the Tilling Green Estate as I left the town very many years ago. Nevertheless, I have memories of the time I lived there, in the late nineteen-fifties onwards. Although it was a generally quiet place, it did have a number of ‘rough’ families, but order was usually maintained and there were plenty of opportunities to kick a ball around, play hopscotch and so on and it formed a distinct and thriving ‘community’.
    Time moves on and change in response to new demands is inevitable, but in my experience there is not a single residential area anywhere in the country where I would consider the creation of this sort of takeaway food shop to be desirable. A disaster for the local area is a more likely consequence, for all of the very clear reasons already articulated, including rubbish, smells, behavioural issues, vermin (some humans included)
    For the sake of all existing and future residents of Tilling Green I hope this application is denied. (I await seeing whether this message is in line with Rye News editorial policy or whether it will yet again be ‘spiked’!)

  9. The Tilling Green Estate does not need a greasy takeaway if anything a community cafe with good nutritious snacks not greasy grub. The estate used to be friendly not now and a place to meet up not far from home would be a bonus. There are many options but not the one proposed. Please think carefully Rother. M

  10. An online search for information about the effects of fast food takeaways on neighbourhoods yields much ‘food for thought’. Obesity of course is a recurrent theme. In addition, many serious research projects highlight a clear relationship between a lower income socio-economic status of communities and the growing presence of fast food outlets opening in them. As far as I can understand, such establishments do not enhance any aspect whatsoever of neighbourhood quality of life.
    In short, the introduction of a fast food takeaway shop in a small area like Tilling Green does not sound like a healthy proposition in any way, as those of you who know the place very well and over time argue here.
    Perhaps a community run early-closing sit-down cafe [featuring reasonably healthy food] could be a real asset? Who owns the empty shop? Would it ever be available for this sort of community effort, should there be the will? And just about any food can be put in a take away box, right?

  11. I think newsagent does next door owns the shop.
    You all need to put your comments to the council or visit the council before it gets recommended by the assigned officer.if that happens it might be too little to late to strip it

  12. I led Rye Town Council to object to this planning application although it is difficult to find actual planning reaspons other than loss of amenity or unsuitable development. My view is that if so many people object, then it is the duty of elected councillors to uphold the views of those people and support their objection. I have rarely seen such an outpouring from so many over a planning issue.

    • Cllr Fiddamore is correct, there is specific criteria to oppose a planning application. In this case, the proposal is objected to on the grounds of expected antisocial behaviour with the type of establishment it will be and the opening hours which I guess, doesn’t meet planning objections but it should do!

  13. Cllr Fiddamore is correct, there is specific criteria to oppose a planning application. In this case, the proposal is objected to on the grounds of expected antisocial behaviour with the type of establishment it will be and the opening hours which I guess, doesn’t meet planning objections but it should do!


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