Rye News takes a break


But, panic not, it is only for one week because of the Christmas / new year holiday period – and it is NOT next week either.

Readers who have signed up to get the alert email about what is in Rye News that week normally get it Friday morning at 8am but, as next Friday is Christmas Day, the alert will be going out at 8am on Thursday, Christmas Eve.

The deadline for submitting stories is therefore a day earlier as well, and we need to have stories, at the latest, by lunchtime Tuesday, December 22.

Rye News then closes down (providing nothing important happens) so all its volunteers can have break between Christmas and new year, and there will not be an edition published on New Year’s Day – or even the day before, New Year’s Eve. The first edition after Christmas will be published on Friday, January 8 – and by then Twelfth Night will have passed, and Christmas will just be a dream.

And, in these troubled times, we will announce in next week’s edition how we plan to provide some coverage, and keep the comments flowing, over the holiday period.

Image Credits: Nick Forman .

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  1. Thank you very much to the Rye News team for all the work you do to keep us all informed. Much appreciated – I hope you all have a Happy Xmas and New Year.

  2. As so often voluteering seems like thankless task, I’d like to say a big THANK YOU toall the volunteers who give up their precious time to bring us Rye News. Know that we appreciate and value your contribution which is a great asset to the community. Happy Christmas and enjoy a well deserved rest.

  3. I heartily endorse these thanks for Rye News and its coverage of what goes on in Rye. I look forward to more in depth stories in the New Year and hope the team enjoy a well earned rest over Christmas!


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