Rye Food Bank is sometimes blown away by the many wonderful donations received from our amazingly generous community! It is not only heartening and supportive for our clients to receive a good selection of healthy and nutritious food in their parcel, it is greatly encouraging and uplifting for all the volunteers to be able to offer food bank clients lovely cheering goods.

Imagine our joy on receiving this wonderful harvest festival offering from Rye Primary School! Not only is it generous in quantity but it’s been prepared and offered with such love and care. Many of the items were attractively packaged in little boxes, some with beautiful decorations, all carefully and thoughtfully prepared so that they will be a joy to receive.
A massive thank you to everyone at Rye Primary School for this wonderful donation.
Rye Food Bank continues to help and support those members of our community who are struggling to manage to provide food, housing and heating for themselves and their family members. As of this week, the beginning of October, we have not seen a sharp spike in demand but we remain aware of the possibility of this happening and ensure we are as well prepared as possible.
Some of our clients are worried about using their cooker to prepare meals, due to the soaring price of fuel costs. Rye Food Bank plans to offer parcels of food aimed at being useful for slow cookers – we know our client base well enough to be confident this would be a welcome help to some.
Average numbers of adults of children attending Rye Food Bank each week remains around 70 with sometimes many more and sometimes many less. It is not possible for us to determine the reasons for numbers of fluctuations.
A massive thank you to all our benefactors
A big and heartfelt thank you to everyone who donates goods or funds, no matter how big or small. We appreciate everything as do our clients.
If you, or anyone you know is in need of help, please contact us. If you are provided with food you would then be able to spend your money on paying bills. Just come. You don’t need a referral or a voucher. We can provide welfare help with benefits issues and much else.
We are open every Wednesday at the Baptist church hall, Cinque Ports Street from 1pm until 3pm. All are welcome.
You can email ryefoodbank@gmail.com. Phone us on 07526 349847.
Monetary donations can be sent to Rye Foodbank at Barclays Bank, sort code 20-54-25, account number 83501116, through the Jempson Foundation or cheques to Rye Foodbank, c/o 24 North Salts, Rye. If you donate via the Jempson Foundation and are a taxpayer, gift aid can be applied, thereby increasing the value of the donation by 25% at no cost to the donor. If you make a bank transfer, please do send us a message (via ryefoodbank@gmail.com) so we know who it is from and can send a receipt, if required.
Image Credits: Bob Harper , M.Ivatts .