Monday blues, not any more


I remember the Boomtown Rats singing about not liking Mondays, and after you’ve just enjoyed a great weekend, starting the weekly cycle again can be hard at times. Mondays don’t need to be miserable any more, and for a modest investment (a bat and a few balls) you can put a different spin on Monday afternoons.

As I got soaked wandering aimlessly around Rye last Sunday (looking for stories for Rye News) I stumbled across the notice board outside the community charity shop in Cinque Ports Street and saw the poster featured above.

The Hub on Rye Hill, open for business

I hadn’t heard that The Hub had this facility available and it made me wonder who else knows about it, so here’s your chance to get involved and maybe get a few people together17 and make a social event out of it. Even if you go along and don’t want to take part, at least you can sit and spectate in a warm and friendly environment, the café serves a good selection of eats and drinks, the Hub is usually spotlessly clean and there is plenty of free parking, need I say more?

Mondays could take on a whole new meaning, why not ping pong to your heart’s content, get a few friends together and start a friendly league. If you want to know more call 01797 331800 for more information.

Image Credits: Nick Forman .

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