The joys of being online


Rye News has two new features – you can now answer back and you can receive a wake-up call to alert you to fresh content.

Answering back is a recent introduction in our Opinion section which enables you to put your point of view on opinions, letters and comments which have been published. And you have.

Our story about the Rye Harbour Road cycleway being completed led to a comment that the road markings are dangerous. Another reader then confirmed that the markings had actually caused an accident. And another reader complained to the county council about them.

On a different topic, a reader agreed with the suggestion that the Landgate could be used as a mini wartime museum about “Frontline Rye 1939-45”, while another suggested help in looking after the Landgate could be sought from the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings.

And yet another suggested that the Conquest’s problems were the result of too many governments making too many changes and the actual service was very good.

Renewable energy has caused most controversy though with wind and solar farms both getting the thumbs down from one reader while another suggested tidal options might be better.

Rye News does NOT necessarily agree with every opinion or comment published, but it will publish them provided they are not libellous, defamatory, or in any other way bringing Rye News into conflict with the law.

We also try to avoid errors, but an occasional mistake can slip through the net. We will correct these if they are drawn to our attention and publish an apology or clarification if appropriate.

Now you can answer back and comment on opinions, your comments are published alongside the story you are responding to.

The other service, the wake-up call, is featured at the bottom of every page, in the green box inviting you to “get Rye News delivered to your inbox”. This reminder or alert service tells you what is in this week’s Rye News and highlights the main stories in each section. We will send you this reminder every week as soon as the new issue has been published.

There will be weeks with too much going on (the Arts Festival being a good example) and there will be other weeks when things are quieter. We will always welcome your news.

So the joys of being online can include alerting you directly on what is in Rye News each week, and giving you an opportunity to comment on what has happened – or on what others have said. Make the most of your opportunities.

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