Threat to pedestrians


One of the consequences of the arrival of parking meters in Rye has been an apparent increase in parking in Military Road – which was already a problem anyway in some places at particular times.

In this case a Rye News reader has spotted some dangerous parking which could force pedestrians with prams, pushchairs, mobility scooters and walking frames to walk in the road.

However civil parking enforcement does not extend beyond those streets where there are parking controls and meters, and the company employed by East Sussex County Council to oversee the parking scheme may take as little interest in these problems as the police did before them.

Image Credits: Cecilia Andrews .

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  1. The parking in military road was predictable. North salts is affected as well. When the meter fee goes up which it will enivitably it will get worse.
    I can see problems with deliveries as well as emergency vehicles. We need another official car park or a park and ride system for tourists leaving the town free for residents.

  2. Since the new metering system came into effect, parking on Military Road has been a problem every day, but particularly so on Thursdays, when the Cattle Market car park is unavailable. In addition to parking with two wheels on pavements, there are vehicles blocking drives, blocking gates, parked across dropped kerbs, parked on double yellow lines and parked far too close to the challenging intersection with the A268. Last Thursday, the parking beyond the Globe narrowed the space so much that delivery vans and farm tractors had trouble getting through—it was just lucky that no emergency vehicles needed to use the road that day.

    Cllr Gennette Stevens has said that the problem needed to be addressed, and one hopes that happens sooner rather than later—it is unfair to ask the residents of Military Road to deal with so many more vehicles just because their owners want to park for free.

  3. The parking situation in Military Road is also a danger for cyclists who like me have to weave ones way through the parked vehicles hoping that no one suddenly opens their car door . It is rediculous that this section of the highway is ignored by the authorities.

  4. It would help if all residents of Military Road, all the way to the end of the 30mph limit, would make sure none of their visitors, for any reason, park on the pavement. It is regular thing, often builders and tradesmen, who remain there for many hours. They explain when challenged it’s a busy road, oblivious of the fact they are forcing pedestrians into that busy road. And yes, perhaps, their vehicles parked legally against the kerb and not on it, might cause speeding drivers to slow down.

    • I’d like to point out that challenging people over kerb parking, that’s not even illegal outside London, would seem excessive and possibly dangerous. If Peter feels so strongly about anyone’s parking he should report the matter to the police.
      I’m reminded of the local farmers, farm labourers and gamekeepers who seem to think aggressively confronting dog walkers who walk round the edges of fields is acceptable. I remind them trespass is a civil matter and their confrontational attitude is a criminal matter.


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