The daftest sign in Rye?


The endless parade of ugly traffic signs that crowd and disfigure the picturesque streets of Rye has long been a source of dismay and complaint. But even residents inured to street clutter will have been taken aback at the sign that recently popped up in Station Approach.

Rye Station car park sign
Rye Station car park sign

Courtesy of Southern Railway, a huge white board has been attached to traffic signs on the already cluttered island outside the Station. In quite small print, the board sets out the charges, terms and conditions for using the station car park. However, to read the sign, a driver would have to continue past the turn-off to the station car park and stop in the main road. Moreover, the sign obstructs the view of oncoming traffic, for vehicles coming out of the road from the car park.

Southern Railway were asked if they could explains the purpose served by a sign with such a lot of fine print at a junction with a busy road. The GT Railway Press Office replied, “This sign is not unique to Rye. Similar signage is displayed across car parks on the Southern network, and the information contained is that required by the British Parking Association. Car parks at railway stations are now managed under railway bylaws and, as such, terms of use under these bylaws must be displayed.”

No comment was made on the traffic hazard that the sign might represent, and the suggestion that the sign was some distance from the actual car park was dismissed.

Rother District Council have established that the sign is not on highway land (and is therefore not the responsibility of East Sussex County Council) and are undertaking an enforcement investigation of the sign. Watch this space!

Photos: Kenneth Bird

Image Credits: Rye News Library .

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