Fake NHS text scam


Scam alert! I had a mobile phone text Friday night purporting to come from the NHS saying that I “had been near someone with the Omicron variant” and asking me to visit a site “urgent-text-kit” (even managing to leave www. out of the address) to order a special test kit. The language was very un-NHS like who would much more likely have said “you may have been in contact with..”

Do not visit this site and beware such a text or email. This is a foul and deliberate attempt to prey upon the elderly and vulnerable in particular though everyone should beware!


Keith Hillier-Palmer

Image Credits: TheDigitalArtist / Pixabay https://pixabay.com/illustrations/covid-19-virus-coronavirus-pandemic-4960254/ Pixabay licence https://pixabay.com/service/license/.

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