A big Labour thank you


Dear Residents of Rye and Winchelsea,

As your newly elected Labour councillors at Rother for Rye and Winchelsea we want to say a huge thank you and express how honoured we are that you placed your trust and confidence in us. Thank you for believing in Labour’s vision to fix the mess this government has landed us in.

You will be hearing more directly from us shortly but in the meantime please be assured we are working on our priorities including getting Rye pool reopened, tackling climate change and supporting Winchelsea residents to resolve traffic problems in the town.

Finally, all residents of Rye and Winchelsea are welcome at our coffee morning, 10:30am – 12 noon on Friday, July 7 at Tilling Green Community Centre where you can meet us both. We are keen to listen to you and learn how to represent you better as well as discuss our priorities.

Very best wishes,

Cllrs Cheryl Creaser and Simon McGurk

Image Credits: Rob Brown .

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    • Let’s see if they can deliver before we condemn, they’ve only been elected for a month ! They certainly couldn’t do much worse than their predecessors!

  1. Simon shame you never noticed all the hard work I done whilst being a councillor for 8 years
    I worked very hard and was very passionate about Rye/winchelsea Town. I wish Cheryl and Simon the best of luck

  2. Re the political arena. How people vote in for example a general election is a personal matter. Historically this dates back to the times when a wicked employer may wreak havoc on an employee who they perceived had ‘voted the wrong way’. If a person decides to reveal their voting intentions this can be a matter of debate. So some editions ago John Tolhurst informed us he might vote for the Reform party and this may excite comment. However we are entitled to know the way an MP votes. I am interested to know why our MP – Sally – Ann Hart abstained in the Commons Privilege Report.


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