‘Your paper is brilliant’


I just wanted to congratulate you Kenneth [Bird] on the work you have done in setting up Rye News. I think it is brilliant and I really admire the way you have set about the whole process and turned it into something that will benefit the town. As you know I have had ideas for various initiatives in the past but I never quite managed to find the right business model and your approach of being inclusive is obviously the right way to go.

One suggestion I would like to make is that you consider having a regular feature called something like “Ryers Unwrapped”. My friend John Hart came up with this idea some time ago and it arose largely out of my contact with web design clients and his local clients. The meetings I had with individuals in Watchbell Street through my work were memorable. As we talked about their work and vision for their website I used to find out so much about them as people – their interests, their history, their views on Rye. In a day I would often leap from art, books, wildlife, conservation, presentation skills, shops, B&Bs. Rye has a truly interesting mix of people which is what makes it such a special place.

If you like the idea both John and I would both be happy to start it off, perhaps between us doing one a month? We also think this should focus on some of the less well known people who make the town what it is. It could turn into a big job and there could even be an archive of people who have contributed in the past. If you like the idea we would be happy to meet and talk it through further. I think we all like reading about other people and I am sure it would help attract visitors. A great project – wishing you success with it,

Dee Alsey

The Editor replies: your suggestion of a regular slot is great. Let’s meet and talk about it

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