A Christmas drama


In the spirit of Mapp and Lucia the following tongue-in-cheek piece is a ‘bit of fun’ not to be taken too seriously but we would be interested to hear your comments. Editor

I don’t think I should name the actual smart hotel lounge in which the following festive mini-drama took place…but it was in the heart of a highly decorated Rye town.

A very well dressed man in a suit definitely built around him in Saville Row (and in fact it could probably have stood up all on its own) was taking a cup of coffee on a sofa. His companion on the same sofa was equally smartly dressed, and by the way they were hissing at each other, was undoubtedly his wife of many summers.

As I pretended to read my newspaper, I thought a full on war was about to break out over what became obvious was their lost car key. The under-the-breath language was so atrocious that a portrait hanging in the room was blushing deeply and some pretty flowers turned their faced to the wall.

Our lady in question was urgently desirous of quitting Rye in the car that very moment for some sort of seriously important outing. In fact she was already late leaving in her opinion.

Gradually and inexorably the decibels increased, until suddenly a little elderly woman (think Miss Marple) trotted passed the sofa. ‘Do upend your bag my dear’, she urged as she smartly headed for the exit.

Well dear reader, I confess I looked at my watch and sadly had to leave for my appointment without witnessing the final act.

I do know however, that when I returned an hour later to pick up a package that the balls were all still on the Christmas tree and I saw no blood on the floor. So maybe well done Miss Marple.

Image Credits: Col Everett .

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