Appealing posters


Getting to hospital quickly could mean the difference between life and death, quite literally, particularly now during this worldwide pandemic. Speed is of the essence and in many scenarios a journey by helicopter is the only answer.

The County Air Ambulance Trust is the only charity in the country funding helipads nationally and the HELP appeal is currently raising funds to provide a helipad at the Conquest hospital. HELP has launched a series of colourful and eye catching posters using wartime imagery to inspire us to support our NHS staff in Hastings and Rother by reinforcing the message to follow the lockdown rules and good hygiene practices.

Striking imagery send an important message to us all.

Robert Bertram, from the HELP appeal explains: “ I speak with hospitals all over the country every day and simply felt the need to do what we can to help. We hope to channel the indomitable spirit of the British people during WW11, the inspirational speeches of Winston Churchill, and iconic wartime icons such as Rosie the Riveter, to encourage people in the battle against coronavirus.

Everyone needs to batten down the hatches for a bit longer to help protect our local hospitals and save lives.”

Since 2009, the HELP appeal has been providing significant grant funding towards life saving helipads at Major Trauma Centres and key A&E hospitals in England and Scotland and this appeal has created posters to help motivate and remind us all to stay at home whilst we all fight the battle against coronavirus and relieve the pressure on our vital NHS staff.

A clear message to us all.

You can help to spread the message by downloading and displaying these striking new posters which are available free of charge at where you can also donate. We can get the younger generation involved too as there is also an option to download versions of the posters for children (and adults) to colour in.

What a way to help to fill up your day and at the same time supporting such a worthy cause. Who knows, one day it might be you or I who needs to get to a hospital quickly so lets help to keep this potentially life saving opportunity, available to everyone.

Image Credits: NHS HELP appeal .

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