Attic sale treasure in Winchelsea


Saturday May 21 will mark the 10th anniversary of our ever popular Sarah Charles Country House Attic Sale. With her vision and flair Sarah and her team transform the picturesque village hall in Winchelsea into a treasure trove of antiques, bric-a-brac, vintage clothing and exotic plants, it really is like stepping into your Auntie’s attic.

Sarah Charles 10th Anniversary Attic Sale
Sarah Charles 10th Anniversary Attic Sale

Since 2006 Sarah has kindly organised her attic sale on behalf of the Rye, Winchelsea and District Memorial Hospital bringing together local ladies with their treasures to sell and adding a heap of creative energy to the day. As well as stalls to browse there is the vintage tea corner where you can enjoy a cup of tea and delicious home made cakes.

When asked how she came up with the idea of a country house attic Sale Sarah explained; “I decided on Winchelsea New Hall as the venue not only because it has a lovely atmosphere, but its location next to the cricket pitch is a delight. I also wanted to centre something for the hospital outside of Rye, to remind people that the hospital also serves patients in this area of Winchelsea too. The idea? Why not I thought something all my friends could get involved in and enjoy and all for a good cause!”

This year the doors open at 10:30am for the early birds, £5 entry, or just £1 entry from 11am. We look forward to seeing you there.

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