Become a friend in 2023


The Friends of Rye Nature Reserve support the work on the reserve on so many levels. If you aren’t a friend yet, make a resolution to join this year and become part of a terrific group of volunteers and make a difference in 2023.

Here are some January dates for your diary, the friends hope to see you on some, or indeed all, of these days.

Sunday, January 8
A 3.5km winter’s walk round Flat Beach (for adults and accompanied children) with our local guides. Do bring a hot drink, warm clothing, and sturdy footwear. Meet in the car park at 9am. Free to members but all are welcome for a suggested £3 donation. No booking necessary.

Saturday, January 14
Friends’ open day. In the morning we have the guided walk from 8:30am – 10am, starting at the car park. This is free to members but others are welcome for a minimum £3 donation.

After this in the discovery centre you can meet other friends, browse the craft and second-hand book stalls and watch the 833 Lottery Club draw at 11am.

Saturday, January 21
Guide in a hide. 10am – 3pm in the Gooders Hide, and outside the discovery centre. See the birds of the reserve with help from the volunteers. Binoculars and telescopes are free for you to use.

Find more events at

Image Credits: Kt bruce .

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